12 step fellowship for couples who suffer from dysfunction but want to stay committed to each other and develop new intimacy. This is a fellowship of recovering couples. They suffer from many addictions and dysfunctions, and they share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help other recovering couples restore their relationships. The only requirement for membership is the desire to remain committed to each other and to develop new intimacy.
In RCA they believe that a coupleship is like an infant needing constant nurturing and care from both partners. It is important that each partner accept mutual responsibility for the problems or progress of the coupleship, and furthermore, that both recognize their own individual development and recovery as essential factors for couple recovery.
In RCA they think of their lives in coupleships as being represented by a three-legged stool: commitment, communication, and caring. All are important “legs” to the serenity, stability, and intimacy they each seek. The legs can also represent their individual recovery, their partner’s recovery, and their coupleship recovery.
Working the Steps Together
RCA is first and foremost a Twelve-Step program. Working the Twelve Steps of RCA together, as a couple, offers a unique recovery experience. This process opens doors to both individual and couple recovery. See “The 12 Steps of RCA” and “Using the 12 Steps to examine an issue”.